
1 Chronicles: A Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

This commentary takes full advantage of recent progressions in the textual history of Samuel and Kings, demonstrating in many cases that the differences often ascribed to the Chronicler came in fact from the divergent copy of the canonical books he was rewriting. The author brings to lively expression the unique theological voice of the Chronicler and demonstrates there have been far fewer...

4:9–10*. Etiological Account of Jabez ■ 9* Jabez was honored more than his brothers; and his mother named him Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain”: The only other mother who names her child in the genealogies is Maacah (1 Chr 7:16*); here the father is not even mentioned. This etiological anecdote is unconnected genealogically to Judah, although a town Jabez with Kenite/Judahite population is mentioned in 2:55*.28 The two clauses in this verse—“Jabez was honored more than his brothers”
Pages 132–133